Geophysical survey

Geophysical survey

A geophysical survey is performed at the end of hole making (more rarely - during the drilling process) in order to obtain information on the status of the wellbore (and - respectively - taken from core samples), revealing in the context of rock intervals that differ in their physical properties and / or the degree of ore content, definition of a technical condition of the well. The complex may include:

  • Directional survey
  • Gamma- ray logging
  • Electric logging (RL, SP, induction)
  • Temperature logging
  • Resistivity logging 
  • Flow-meter survey    
  • Caliper logging
  • If necessary - other types of geophysical research

Sample preparation

Prior to sending the samples to the analytical laboratory, ensuring the representativeness and particle size of the material needed for the analysis. In most cases, it includes the following steps:

  • Drying
  • Crushing
  • Sample reduction (quartering)
  • Recovery of analytic portions and backups
  • Pulverizing